Our story begins.

In the 1960s, in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy, where MODENA was established with the mission to make life easier for all. Today, this same dream continues to drive us at our core, empowering us to consistently be on the cutting-edge of innovation to answer the needs of customers past, present, and future.


MODENA was born, quickly establishing itself as one of the most prominent producers of the Freestanding Cooker in North Italy.


Eyeing the extensive manufacturing, supply chain, and customer potentials in Asia, MODENA began strategically moving its operations to the East.


Heavy investment in R&D and Design culminated in the development of numerous product variants in our Cooking, Cooling, Cleaning, and Professional line-ups


Constantly anticipating the needs of modern customers, MODENA created new product categories and technologies, including IoT, Energy, and beyond.

We don’t just make life easier. We make life better to do.

At MODENA, we believe in the inherent power of design to change lives. Though sophisticated in their technology, our products are simple to use, fulfilling their promise of easing the circadian challenges of everyday life to uplift our customer’s standard of living.

Beyond practicality, our products are also designed with human aspirations in mind. We dive into the collective psyche to craft solutions people will be proud to showcase – at home or out in the world – as extensions of their unique expressions within society.