MODENA has reimagined its hero products with Marvel’s signature style in a team up with Marvel.​

We want to bring superheroes into your daily lives.

From the beginning of our engagement with Marvel, we felt that we’ve met a kindred spirit who fully understood and was supportive of our vision. For half a year, our in-house team of Product, Design, Sales, and Marketing collaborated closely with the Disney team to formulate an impactful business model and assemble a marvelous line-up of product designs that would become Phase 1 of our Marvel Series by MODENA. ​

Our products honor the superheroes who have made our lives brighter.

The success of Marvel Series is just the beginning of our bespoke product adventure.

View the full collection.

Marvel at Our Technology.

Send Us Inquiries

At MODENA, we design and develop our own products and we know them inside out. Feel free to get in touch with us filling the form below if you have any inquiries about our offerings or would want to discuss potential partnership opportunities.​

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